Photo1: Bald Eagle in flight. Bald Eagles are a common sight on Vancouver Island.
Bald Eagle: Haliaeetus leucocephalusPhoto 2: Adult Bald Eagle Perched on a Rock. Adult bald eagles are easily identified by their white head and tail feathers, with dark brown (almost black) bodies, though juveniles are usually brown all over.
Although Bald Eagles have traditional ranges all over North America, they are especially abundant in the Pacific Northwest, feeding off of rich salmon stocks. Bald Eagles have been on the endangered species list, but have made a remarkable comeback due to conservation efforts and are now listed as 'threatened'. |
Photo 3: Bald Eagle Preparing for Take Off. Bald Eagles have hollow bones making them lightweight. The females are slightly larger than the males. They have about 7000 feathers in total.
Bald Eagles pair up for life, with both sexes looking after and feeding the young. They have one brood per year. |
Other Vancouver Island Birds: Bald Eagle, Trumpeter Swan, Blue Grouse, Common Merganser, Canada Geese, Great Blue Heron, Varied Thrush, American Wigeon, Long-tailed Duck, Surf Scoter, Mallard, Bufflehead, Sharp-shinned Hawk |